Capturing Motion and Action in Photography
Tips for Shooting
Lowering the ISO effectively tells the camera that there is more light in the area and also decreases the shutter speed. If the image is not crisp, keep increasing the shutter speed until the moving object is captured more clearly. Following the subject while the lens is open will help show movement by creating a blurry background but a clear focus point.
Action Sharp
Tips for Shooting
Lowering the ISO effectively tells the camera that there is more light in the area and also decreases the shutter speed. If the image is not crisp, keep increasing the shutter speed until the moving object is captured more clearly. Following the subject while the lens is open will help show movement by creating a blurry background but a clear focus point.
Action Sharp

Shutter Speed= 1/800, ISO 400

Shutter Speed= 1/300, ISO 400
Motion Blur

Shutter Speed= 1/40, ISO 400

Shutter Speed= 1/50, ISO 400
Sharp Action

I guess that this photo was taken with f/5, 1/100, and 50 mm.
Motion Blur

I guess that this photo was taken with f/6, 1/50, and 20 mm.