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Mirror Image

Week of Feb 4th
Original Photo:
Edited Photo:
Article & Video Review:

Although I enjoyed the article more, the video helped me with this project the most. I was able to get through the initial steps using the article but then got confused and used the process shown in the video instead. Although the video only showed how to flip the photo once rather than three times, it helped me see what I was supposed to do to get the desired effect better than the article. However, I went back to the article to figure out how to flip the image a second and third time. 


I began by searching for something that would create a photo with a lot of lines and complex shapes. I had in my mind the idea of a kaleidoscope and tried to find something with interesting curves and edges that would make the photo stand out. I decided to use the tree branches and leaves because of the amount of uniquely shaped leaves and the contrast of the light color with the dark branches. I then went onto photoshop and created another layer to flip the original image. I cropped part of the image and went on to create another layer and flip the image horizontally and then vertically. This project took me a fair amount of time just because I had to work with the photoshop settings and tweak the images quite a bit.

Image 2-4-20 at 10.47 AM.jpg
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