Something from Nothing
Week of Jan 6th
Original Photos:


What I learned:
Although the video went pretty fast, I learned a couple key photoshop skills that I was not aware of before. I was able to explore how to edit a detailed shape and layer it onto a different background. The narrator of the video was very skilled and his end result turned out very smoothly, mostly due to his attention to detail, which he noted was key to achieving a more realistic photo. I learned more about how to keep or leave out hair or semi transparent pieces of an object so that it will allow the object to remain natural looking.
What I did:
As I was mining my old photos for certain things I could combine, I found a couple that I had taken from around the school that I thought could create a more exciting scene than the original photo of just the door knob. the original photo was pretty plain and I thought that using photoshop to place the lock from the vending machine on the door knob fit well. Inserting the smaller version of the spider onto the lock made the scene a little more spooky than the original plain photo. The photoshop required a bit more time than I anticipated as it was difficult to get the lines perfectly around the two different cutouts I made. Lining up the objects was slightly difficult, but it did not take too long.