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Mandalas Project

Week of Jan. 21st
Mandala #1
Image 1-21-20 at 11.03 AM.jpg
Mandala #2
Image 1-21-20 at 11.30 AM.jpg
Mandala #1
Image 1-21-20 at 11.03 AM.jpg
Mandala #2
Image 1-21-20 at 11.30 AM.jpg
What I learned:

The youtube video helped show me a variety of techniques to use to create an interesting mandala design. The artist in the video used the free hand drawing tool more than the shape tool, and I also preferred creating my own designs as opposed to already made shapes. Having a video to watch definitely helped me understand the process more easily, but I had to find some other videos that aligned with the photoshop program we have.

What I did:

I used a new dual axis shape to create four separate grids for my first mandala. Then I spent time creating different patterns and slowly adjusting the colors. For the second mandala, I decided to try the circle shape and based my design off of flower circles I have seen on birthday cards in the past. Seeing some examples of previously made mandalas helped show me the designs I wanted to create, but overall the video helped me understand the process the best.

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