Week of September 23rd
Depth of Field Explained
What is depth of field?
Depth of field is one of the most important aspects of photography. This feature of the camera enhances creativity and creates a focus point for the eye to latch onto. Depending on the photo, having a main subject with the clearest focus will create a more pleasing overall aesthetic.
How can you control depth of field?
Changing aperture settings on the camera is the key to controlling the depth of field. Aperture is measured on a scale of "f-stops" which are measured in numbers like 1.4, 2, 4, 8 and so on. The key component to knowing how to control aperture is that the larger the aperture is, the shallower the depth of field is. A smaller number denotes a larger aperture.
Shallow Depth of Field
Photo by Callie Solberg
Taken on Canon
The aperture for this photo was f/2.8, the shutter speed was 1/300, and the lens mm was 40.
Good Depth of Field
Photo by Callie Solberg
Taken on Canon
The aperture for this photo was f/8, the shutter speed was 1/400, and the lens mm was 20.
Photo by Marl Kniebes
From Flickr
I guess that the aperture for this photo was 2, the shutter speed was 1/2000, and the lens mm was 50.
Photo by Frank Schmidt
From Flickr
I guess that the aperture for this photo was 4.5, the shutter speed was 1/400, and the lens mm was 18.