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Week of March 23rd
I plan to spend the majority of next class going out into my neighborhood and finding different trees that I think would fulfill the role of "main character", just like the article suggested. I want to work on getting interesting angles, capturing the size of the trees well, and figuring out how to frame the picture so that one main tree or a couple of main trees stand out. I think that it will be a difficult job using only my iPhone but I a hoping that I will be able to use the focus feature and some photoshop on my phone afterward to help improve the pictures.
Index Print:
5 Best Photos:

Title: Misty Mountains

I used the normal iPhone photo setting to take this picture. The lighting was pretty low so I had to use some exposure when editing the photo.


Title: Redwood

I used the normal iPhone photo setting to take this picture. The lighting was a little low but I managed to brighten it up using saturation and exposure.


Title: Highway 9

I used the normal iPhone photo setting to take this picture. The lighting was too bright in this photo so I had to lower the exposure.


Title: Canopy

I used the normal iPhone photo setting to take this picture. The lighting was too low and I had to use a good amount of exposure to show the individual branches.

Title: Canopy

I used the normal iPhone photo setting to take this picture. The lighting was too low and I had to use a good amount of exposure to show the individual branches.

Process Reflection:

I actually enjoyed this project much more than I anticipated. Although I really enjoyed going out and being able to see my neighborhood in a different way, my favorite part of this assignment was watching the videos on how to shoot trees. Although the video of the guy shooting in cotland was kind of long, the techniques he used and the location he was shooting in was really beautiful. As for the process of this project, it went pretty smoothly aside from the fact that I find shooting on my phone very frustrating. My iPhone is great at close up focus but not at shooting distant or landscape photos. I did like searching for trees in my neighborhood though and found a couple of spots that I had never paid attention to before.

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